Address: Fırat Teknokent Ofis No: 103 ELAZIĞ

Who is Driwee

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About Us

We Measure the Usage Performance of Your Vehicle Drivers!

Consider that you can instantly access your questions such as how fast your vehicles are used, do they comply with the traffic rules, where are they at work time. With Driwee it's possible! You will have detailed data about the drivers of your fleet. Instant data about your driver is transmitted with Driwee in your vehicles. So you don't have to worry about your vehicles and drivers.

Our History

In developing DRIWEE, we sought to obtain a data collector that vehicle and fleet owners could best use.

Filonuzdaki aracı kullanan ücretli sürücünün araca yaklaşımı, aracınızı kiralayan müşterinin sürüş bilgi ve deneyimi, sürücü belgesi almak üzere eğitim gören bir adayın yeni şekillenen alışkanlıkları, kamu araçlarını kullanan sürücülerin araç kullanım tarzları, hatta aile bireylerinizin özel aracınızı kullanma şekilleri Driwee’nin ayrı ayrı ilgilendiği, ölçümlediği ve skorladığı bazı örneklerdir. 

Our Mission

Driwee Araç ve filolarınız üzerinde tam kontrol sağlamanıza yardım eder. Driwee sayesinde hangi sürücünün, hangi aracı ne şekilde kullandığı raporlanır ve puanlanır ve geriye dönük olarak izlenebilir. Böylelikle sürücü performansı ölçümlenerek gerektiğinde farklı ücretlendirme veya notlandırmalar yapılabilir. Driwee araç kiralama şirketleri, sigorta şirketleri, kamu kurumları, belediyeler, filo sahipleri, sürücü kursları hatta aileler için sürücü ve araç bazında değerli veriler üreten bir performans izleme sistemidir. 


The tool that collects you data for your vehicles and fleets.

The Advantage of Having Data

Thanks to the data that DRIWEE provides you, you have full control over your vehicles and fleets!


Push Notifications

You are instantly informed about the location and the driver.

Be Aware of the Risk!

You can be informed instantly in case of possible risk situations.


Accurate Management in the Light of Data

By analyzing the data DRIWEE collects for you, you can choose the best way for your company, vehicles and fleets.


Why Should You Use DRIWEE?

With the data provided by DRIWEE, you have complete control of your fleet. So wherever your fleet is in the world, it will be accessible to you.

Easy Access

Easy Access

You have all the control with one click.

Budget Friendly

Budget Friendly

Having DRIWEE in your vehicles saves you most of the cost.

Reliable System

Reliable System

DRIWEE creates the secure data system for you.

Instant Location Tracking

Instant Location Tracking

DRIWEE instantly sends you location data.

Vehicle Driver Optimization

Vehicle Driver Optimization

DRIWEE provides data for you to improve your vehicles and drivers.

Instant Driver Tracking

Instant Driver Tracking

DRIWEE instantly sends data on how your drivers use vehicles.

Clients Feedback

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